「Handbook of Drug-Nutrient Interactions」2nd EditionJoseph I. Boullata Vincent T. Armenti出版社 : Humana Pr Inc; 第2版輸入専門書です。「食品-医薬品相互作用ハンドブック」輸入通販で購入しましたが手元に届いた時点で写真のようなカバー傷付いていました。中身は未使用美品です。Handbook of Drug-Nutrient Interactions is an essential new work that provides a scientific look behind many drug-nutrient interactions, examines their relevance, offers recommendations, and suggests research questions to be explored. Providing both the scientific basis and clinical relevance with appropriate recommendations for many interactions, the topic of drug-nutrient interactions is significant for clinicians and researchers alike. #医薬#本#洋書#BOOK#医薬品#食品#相互作用#健康#医学#薬学#英語
「Handbook of Drug-Nutrient Interactions」2nd EditionJoseph I. Boullata Vincent T. Armenti出版社 : Humana Pr Inc; 第2版輸入専門書です。「食品-医薬品相互作用ハンドブック」輸入通販で購入しましたが手元に届いた時点で写真のようなカバー傷付いていました。中身は未使用美品です。Handbook of Drug-Nutrient Interactions is an essential new work that provides a scientific look behind many drug-nutrient interactions, examines their relevance, offers recommendations, and suggests research questions to be explored. Providing both the scientific basis and clinical relevance with appropriate recommendations for many interactions, the topic of drug-nutrient interactions is significant for clinicians and researchers alike. #医薬#本#洋書#BOOK#医薬品#食品#相互作用#健康#医学#薬学#英語